by Lori MacDonald

This reflection is for this Sunday’s second reading, Colossians 3.1-4.

There are many options available on my journey through this life. Before me and throughout this Lent, I perceived two distinct ways to wander along the road ahead: the easy way and God’s way. I met this fork in the road in a literal sense while I was walking one Saturday morning to my destination: Starbucks. At the outset of my walk, there were two options: the path well-travelled (smoother, faster, and more predictable) or the road less-travelled (hilly, icy, longer, and more beautiful). I chose the road less- travelled because it felt like God was calling me there, yet on this path I lost my footing a number of times. My heart raced as I regained my balance, and I wondered if I would regret my choice. There is unpredictability on the path of God’s will, and I wasn’t feeling particularly smitten with that. At my third slip, I realized my problem. Pace. I had already placed my Starbucks order, and the last thing I needed was to arrive there on this cold winter day and find my special treat to be as cool as the air stinging my lungs. As I slowed down, reevaluated the situation, and refocused my heart and eyes, I noticed something remarkable: the flash freeze the night before had left unique designs in the ice, both stunning and unrepeatable. As the sunlight fell between the trees onto the path before me, it illuminated the white sheen on the ground, like an unsoiled carpet guiding my direction. As I proceeded slowly, cautiously, and captivated by the wonder of God, I remained cold, but my attention was no longer on my needs and desires. Instead, it was on the hand of the Creator. 

Winter can be ugly and harsh. Perhaps that is why it seems an appropriate season for Lent. I am beginning to realize that things ugly, painful, unwelcome, harsh and all-but- defeating are, inexplicably, the very things God uses to dazzle, inspire, heal, soften, and give life to me. I suppose this moment of awakening is my very own spiritual Easter. 

To embrace grace, I must adjust my pace. If I have learned anything this Lent, it is that life continues whether or not I am present in the moment or aware that time is quickening. It continues whether or not my eyes are on my problems or on the beauty of God in and through them. 

My prayer for you is not so much that the ice may melt, but that God’s grace might be revealed in its reflection. It is not so much that your path may be easy but that, as you traverse each step, you might notice God’s hand leading you. It is not so much that all the ugliness of this world might be stripped away, but that the beauty of Christ might be revealed in you amidst it. Christ is risen! May he rise again in you.

Lori is a contributor to Ora, where you can read reflections for the weekend Mass readings. Go to to read more.