This Easter, Saint Benedict Parish has a lot to celebrate, as we are welcoming four new

members into the Catholic Church. Donna Blyth, Heather Leonard, Dorothy Okene, and Tony Trimper recently completed the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) program and will be received into the church during the Easter Vigil. I spoke to all four of them to hear about their journey into the Catholic faith.

How did you hear about Saint Benedict Parish?

DONNA BLYTH: When we first moved here,
our search for Catholic churches around our neighborhood brought me to the Saint Benedict website. I really loved how informative and interactive the website was, so we contacted the Church right away.

TONY TRIMPER: My introduction to the parish was an invitation to try Alpha. I really liked Father Simon (I know — who doesn’t?) and we struck up a friendship. Other members of the church were so loving and so
real! I really felt the Spirit through the people of Saint Benedict Parish.

What led you to join RCIA?

HEATHER LEONARD: I always went to church on major holidays. Last year, I heard about the Lenten Mission and decided to participate. When I heard Fr. Mathias speak at the mission, I felt God calling me to fully join the Catholic Church.

DOROTHY OKENE: I initially took Alpha after hearing the beautiful testimonies from people who attended. It was a wonderful and spirit- filled experience. When I finished, I had a sense of what the next step in my faith journey should be, which was to fully join the church. Then the announcement was made about RCIA, and I saw it as a sign that God had prepared this path for me.

DONNA: When I first started attending Mass on my own, I was very intrigued by the warmth that I felt from others, and I loved listening to the homily each Sunday. It felt like I was 'home', so RCIA was the next natural step.

TONY: I’m a former youth pastor and a graduate of Acadia Divinity College, so my journey to Catholicism is unique. I was baptized Catholic as an infant, since my mother’s side of the family is Catholic. I’ve always been drawn to and interested in my Catholic roots. I might not have it all figured out, but I’m open to trusting God to guide me through this process.

What difference has RCIA made in your relationship with God?

DOROTHY: It allowed me to learn from other's experiences, and above all, to begin to rebuild my relationship with God.

DONNA: It has helped me out so much. For years I was not part of a church, but I always had a belief in God, so I was going through life as best as I could. When I attended my first Mass, I felt like a void in my life was slowly being filled. It felt so welcoming and warm that my eyes filled with tears — I did not expect to feel that wonderful. I've learned how to pray and to trust in God ever since.

Who did you pick as your sponsor and why?

HEATHER: Liz and Bryce are my sponsors. I’ve known them a long time, since our sons played hockey together. We spent many hours talking in the rinks. Each time I would visit Saint Benedict Parish, I would see them again and we would get to chatting. When I decided to go into the RCIA program, I knew they were the right fit to support me.

TONY: I initially met Bill through CrossFit, he offered an invitation to come to Alpha. We ultimately developed a friendship, and I knew Bill was a good man that would encourage me and support me through this journey.

What has it been like going through RCIA during a pandemic where Mass has been largely online only?

DOROTHY: Like most of us, I miss physical contact with people, but it has been a great experience. I’ve made new friends from our Zoom meetings and shared many laughs. I believe I wouldn't have participated in the RCIA program this year if the online platform wasn't available. I am grateful to Saint Benedict for creating this and supporting us to the finish line. The beautiful thing about all this is that even with a global pandemic, people are still willing and ready to commit to begin part of God's church, and that in itself is amazing.

Welcome to the family Donna, Heather, Dorothy, and Tony! We are so excited for your journey so far and will continue to pray and support you going forward!

If you didn’t get to see the Easter Vigil live, you can see the baptisms and confirmations by going to

This article was originally published on April 3rd, 2021.